Page 158 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 158

Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System

               and its erroneous view that all life is “simple” no matter what; even
               though it is most obviously patently absurd. According to Darwin, evo-
               lution generated such things as black bears turning into whales, a claim
               which has no validity in any of the sciences. Nonetheless, the followers
               of Darwin will defend these false ideas to the very end.
                   D. T. Rosevear from the Inorganic Chemistry Department at
               Bristol University expresses the simple logic of Darwinism and the sci-
               entists who openly engage in this deceptive game;

                   (Evolution) seems to me a hypothesis based on no evidence and irrecon-
                   cilable with the facts. These classical evolutionary theories are a gross
                   over-simplification of an immensely complex and intricate mass of facts,
                   and it amazes me they are swallowed so uncritically and readily, and for
                   such a long time, by so many scientists without a murmur of protest. 101
                   Although Darwinists try to ascribe “simplicity” to all the life
               forms they want, a simple observation of the perfect and amazing com-
               plexity of life is a clear reality which they cannot simply ignore or wish
               away. There are quite literally millions of different species of plants and
               animals alive today in the world, and even the smallest structures in
               these plants and animals present this most wondrous complexity imag-
               inable. Today, when scientists can “understand” just the smallest frac-
               tion of the complexity of these structures and functions, or discover
               how they function it is deemed a great achievement. Intelligent human

               beings didn't even know what their own cells looked like as little as a
               century ago; and in any event, try though he might, no matter how long
               a scientist labors over his petri dishes and microscopes, he will never
               create anything of the like, not even so much one of the hundreds of
               thousands of proteins. Bacteria, which is typically described by
               Darwinists as the “simplest” form of life, is in truth an extraordinary
               model of complexity with its organelles, its DNA, its cell membrane,
               and its amazing resistance to antibiotics. 102  According to Sir James
               Gray, a bacteria actually does more work than a modern-day laborato-
               ry; he says as follows:

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