Page 162 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 162
Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
bird. In order to make people believe in such a violation of logic, they
need to develop a kind of spellbinding system. That is why Darwinists
indoctrinate people in the form of a myth of the supposed capacities of
chance dressed up with scientific terminology. According to this tale,
every stage in the appearance of all life forms is the work of blind
chance, and chance performed this by working miracles. If you ask a
Darwinist, “How did the first cell appear?” the answer you will receive
will be “It appeared spontaneously in a bit of mud.” If you ask how the
eye came into being, the answer you receive will be “By a miracle.” If
you enquire, “How did wings and the perfect feathers in birds come in-
to being?” you will be told something along the lines of, “It happened
miraculously one day.” There is no consciousness or intelligence direct-
ing the fictitious process in these irrational and unscientific Darwinist
accounts. And yet the universe is built on the most delicate balances.
There is a flawless regularity on Earth. The slightest deviation from that
order would mean the complete elimination of the whole system. Every
form of life possesses exceedingly complex structures and amazing
characteristics. Every one of these details is the work of a sublime and
mighty intelligence, in other words of Almighty Allah.
But this perfect equilibrium and amazing complexity are ignored
in Darwinist stories. All these nonsensical elements in the fairy tale of
evolution, that is made incomprehensible by the use of scientific termi-
nology, is carefully and constantly employed just like a magic spell,
and most people fail even to notice.
The theologian R. C. Sproul says this on the subject:
When scientists attribute instrumental power to chance, they have left the
domain of physics and resorted to magic. Chance is their magic wand to
make not only rabbits but entire universes appear out of nothing. 104
Chance can never give rise to life,
no matter what Darwinists claim.
It is entirely the artistry of Allah.