Page 164 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 164

Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System

               Darwinist logic, there is nothing that chance cannot do, given sufficient
                   The following passage from the Nobel prize-winning evolutionist
               and biologist George Wald is an explicit expression of the formula
               chance + time in which Darwinists believe as if it were a magic spell:

                   One has only to wait: time itself performs the miracles. Given so much
                   time, the ‘impossible’ becomes possible, the possible probable, and the
                   probable virtually. 105
                   The aim behind all these illogical ideas, of course, is for Darwinists
               to be able to bring some other explanation than creation to bear, at least
               in their own eyes. Darwinists are certainly very well aware that it is in-
               conceivable for chance and time to combine together to produce flow-
               ers, cats, fish, birds, reptiles and human beings from a collection of
               mud. But instead of signing up to the truth, they are still trying to de-
               pict the illogical as logical.
                   As we have seen, all Darwinist accounts are based on deception.

               Take away all the Darwinists flowery language, Latin terminology and
               incomprehensible scientific words and all that remains is the deception
               of “all life came into being as the result of random events, through a
               combination of blind coincidences, and with no control process, pre-
               cautionary measures or intelligent intervention.” And this is the decep-
               tion that Darwinists are really trying to get people to believe.
                   This extract from the atheist and evolutionary biologist Richard
               Dawkins, one of the most passionate contemporary Darwinists, is

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