Page 169 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 169
Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)
and atheist Richard Dawkins, Darwinists are perfectly well aware of
the insuperable fundamental problems facing evolution:
Nature does not have the foresight to put together a sequence of muta-
tions which, for all that they may entail temporary disadvantage, set a
lineage on the road to ultimate global superiority. 108
A lineage that moves from a terrestrial to an aquatic existence is likely to
need changes to its locomotory system and its respiratory system, and
there is no obvious reason to expect any intrinsic connection between
them. Why should trends that convert walking limbs to flippers be intrin-
sically correlated with trends to boost the efficiency of the lungs in ex-
tracting oxygen? Of course it is possible that two such co-adapted trends
might be correlated as an incidental consequence of embryological mech-
anisms, but the correlation is no more likely to be positive than nega-
tive. 109
Even Dawkins, one of today’s best known atheists, has to admit
that no mechanism of the evolution he so fervently espouses actually
represents so-called evolution. By these words, Dawkins has had to say
that mutations cannot produce any advantageous result and that the
profound changes necessary for a life form to move from water to dry
land are impossible. These admissions by Dawkins clearly show how
the perverse religion that is Darwinism is so blindly revered despite be-
ing bereft of any scientific evidence.
The glorious planet we live on, the Sun, the Moon and the stars are
all manifestations of Allah’s sublime might and magnificent creation.