Page 172 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 172
Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
ly, either, and that fact has totally demolished Darwinism. Since that
time, Darwinists have tried to convince people that the transitional fos-
sils that did not exist 150 years ago would one day be found. When ad-
vances in technology and science made the existence of transitional fos-
sils essential, they found a solution in fraud. All the biology text books
in which the theory of evolution is taught today, all the Darwinist pub-
lications and the pro-Darwin press carry these false proofs as they dis-
cuss the transitional fossil myth, which is of such vital importance to
the theory of evolution. These publications still refer as evidence to
Archaeopteryx and Coelacanth, to Haeckel's false drawings of embryos,
Industrial Revolution moths glued onto the trunks of trees, Piltdown
Man, an orangutan jaw attached to a human skull, Nebraska Man, de-
picted together with his entire family on the basis of a single wild pig
molar, Neanderthal Man, which was actually a human race despite being
portrayed as a cave-man, and Lucy, which has been scientifically proved