Page 174 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 174

Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System

                   A major problem in proving the theory has been the fossil record; the im-
                   prints of vanished species preserved in the Earth’s geological formations.
                   This record has never revealed traces of Darwin’s hypothetical interme-
                   diate variants – instead species appear and disappear abruptly, and this
                   anomaly has fueled the creationist argument that each species was creat-
                   ed by God. 112
                   And the evolutionary geologist Carlton E. Brett admits that:
                   Did life on Earth change steadily and gradually through time? The fossil
                   record emphatically says “no.” 113

                   The Darwinist spell has been so systematically imposed on people
               over the last 150 years that they have come to believe in something
               non-existent. Nobody has ever asked, “There should be millions of
               transitional fossils, so where are they?” Nobody has ever said, “All the
               500 million fossils produced from excavations belong to life forms with
               a perfect appearance, but not one is a transitional fossil.” Nobody has
               ever investigated why the same few life forms are always depicted as
               transitional forms, why even the most eminent scientists have nothing
               else to point to apart from these fabricated fossils, and why even books
               prepared as doctoral theses only deal with these few subjects.
               Similarly, nobody is aware that these few fossils, heralded as transi-
               tional forms, actually posses no transitional characteristics at all, and
               that this is a scientifically proven fact. To summarize, nobody who has

               fallen under the spell of Darwinism is aware that there exists not a sin-
               gle piece of evidence supporting Darwinism because Darwinists, the
               architects of that spell, have cleverly and cunningly covered it up.
                   But no matter how long and how persistently the lie that “transi-
               tional fossils do exist” is repeated, if people are made aware of the ex-
               istence of genuine fossils, if they realize these are no different to entities
               living today, then there will be no more point in reiterating that lie.
               That is the current position of Darwinism, the stratagem of the dajjal.
               While Darwinists are desperately trying to convince people of the exis-
               tence of transitional fossils, people are being shown fossils of life forms

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