Page 177 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 177
Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)
schools, as this would expose the nonsensical nature of evolution.
According to the laws of this superstitious religion, Darwinism is “un-
deniable.” In the same way, Darwinism is under the protection of a fas-
cist Darwinist dictatorship right across the world.
The writer Ann Coulter sets this fact out as follows:
To avoid discussing the theory of evolution, Darwinists keep slipping ir-
relevant little facts into the debate like spare parts, leaving the impression
that to deny evolution is to deny that the sun rises in the east. 115
According to the Darwinist dictatorship, it is literally a crime to deny
Darwinism. This is literally regarded as treason in countries that have
adopted Darwinism as a superstitious religion and are trying to impose it.
Nobody can explicitly state that the scientific evidence has discredited the
theory, and that it no longer possesses any validity. The acceptance of
Darwinism as an indisputable fact is literally obligatory. Professor of
Mathematics Wolfgang Smith sets this out as an evolutionist himself:
We are told dogmatically that evolution is an established fact; but we are
never told who has established it, and by what means. We are told, often
enough, that the doctrine is founded upon evidence, and that indeed this
evidence 'is henceforward above all verification, as well as being immune
from any subsequent contradiction by experience;' but we are left entirely
in the dark on the crucial question wherein, precisely, this evidence con-
sists." 116
Rejection of Darwinism is forestalled, because otherwise the ad-
herents of the false religion that is Darwinism would have no means of
keeping the theory propped up. Lies are told in loud voices, but to
claim that these are lies is regarded as an offense. A theory which began
as ostensibly scientific has been turned into a superstitious, dogmatic
system of belief far removed from science that cannot be questioned or
denied. The really noteworthy point here is that this was done in plain
sight, and with no compunctions.
This has reached such a scale that even the Pope has had to stage
conferences supporting Darwinism in his own home, The Vatican.