Page 178 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 178
Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
Churches have had to apologize to Darwin. University professors have
lost their jobs, and been excluded from their professions, because of
publications questioning evolution. This imposition has been hugely
successful in many countries, and evolution has become unquestion-
able, especially at senior levels.
Darwinists may resort to all means to ensure that Darwinism re-
mains undeniable. They cover up evidence that refutes the theory of
evolution, distort proofs of its invalidity, and deceive people into think-
ing that there is actually evidence for evolution, in the same way that
Charles Doolittle Walcott kept the Cambrian fossils hidden away for 70
Darwinists preconceptions and conditioning obliges them to de-
fend the most illogical things and to express those sophistries from time
to time. In the passage above an evolutionary biologist openly states
that he will never doubt the veracity of evolution, even if it lacks any
scientific and logical evidence. This once again goes to show that the
theory of evolution is not espoused because of scientific data and find-
ings. That being the case, there is an evident truth here that has to be
accepted; evolution is a perverse, false and deceptive faith.
The mathematician and philosopher William A. Dembski sets out
how Darwinists portray evolution as irrefutable thus:
It is Almighty Allah Who creates the earth, the sky and all that
lies between. Allah's creation is magnificent and matchless.