Page 180 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 180

Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System

               taking place in the minds of those seeing that evolution is a lie. The
               Council of Europe has today made the teaching of evolution compulso-
               ry in schools. Non-evolutionary interpretations are banned from the
               curriculum in many states of the USA. The theory of evolution has be-
               come an inseparable part of the curriculum in China, Russia, almost all
               Asian countries, and even in some Muslim ones.
                   It needs to be made clear that what is being described and criti-
               cized here is the oppressive and prohibitory Darwinist mindset.
               Students could be told about evolution in schools as part of their histo-

               ry classes, but the scientific and rational thing to do is also for them to
               be taught the hundreds of pieces of evidence that prove the theory of
               evolution is false. Young people must not be forced to undergo an op-
               pressive and biased education. The scientific facts should be set out be-
               fore them in an impartial manner, and they must enjoy the right to see
               and learn the truth through their own intelligence and conscience.
                   It will also be of use to remember this; no matter how great a vic-
               tory Darwinists might imagine this state of affairs to represent, it is in
               fact an expression of terror and panic. This is the first time that a body
               such as the European Council, with its Darwinist mindset, has been so
               alarmed at Darwinism’s collapse. Works about Creation and discussing
               the invalidity of the theory of evolution have been published in Europe
               for years now, conferences have been held, and various other activities
               organized. But none has had such a significant impact as Harun

               Yahya's giant Atlas of Creation did when it reached Europe. The reason
               for that impact is that the scientific findings contained in the Atlas re-
               veal the falsity of evolution in a way that cannot be disputed. All stu-
               dents in Europe now know that the theory of evolution has been de-
               molished by more than 500 million fossils. From a single, easily acces-
               sible internet page they can see pictures of countless living fossils dat-
               ing back millions of years, and thus conclude for themselves that living
               things never evolved. They have learned, through countless works and
               articles, about Darwinist frauds and that there is not a single piece of

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