Page 176 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 176

Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System

                   5. Darwinists Portray the Theory of Evolution as

                   A scientific theory is generally formulated and then scientifically
               confirmed or refuted. It is scientifically agreed to or else rejected. The
               Big Bang theory is a scientific one, and has been confirmed. The inva-
               lidity of ideas put forward in the face of the evidence corroborating the
               theory is evident. Nobody admits the possibility of any diametrically
               opposed ideas being corroborated because there is concrete scientific
               proof. And concrete evidence has confirmed this scientific theory
               against the other possibilities.

                   The theory of evolution has also been proposed as a scientific the-
               sis, and countless pieces of evidence have proved that it is utter non-
               sense. Not a single piece of evidence exists to support it. All scientific
               findings prove again and again, with every passing day, that the theory
               was proposed as a hypothesis and possesses no validity whatsoever.
               Under normal circumstances this theory should long since have been
               discredited and consigned to the waste bin. But for some reason that

               has not happened. On the contrary, the theory of evolution is now es-
               poused, as if were a genuinely scientific one, with false evidence in text
               books, on TV channels and in publishing organs. The Council of
               Europe has determinedly sought to defend the theory, and reacted
               with horror to the release of evidence proving that the theory was not
               scientific at all. Courts in various countries have strongly rejected pro-
               posals in opposition to the theory of evolution and its place in school
               curricula. Recently, a U.S. federal judge went so far as to state that crit-

               icism of Darwinism was a violation of the Constitution. 114  The idea of
               the inclusion in the curriculum of the “difficulties of evolution” that
               Darwin himself referred to has appalled Darwinist circles. In short,
               Darwinism is a supposedly scientific theory protected by all states and
               generally propped up with official state backing. These circles make
               enormous efforts to prevent the fact of Creation being taught in

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