Page 173 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 173
Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)
to be an ape and to skulls which were subsequently and hurriedly re-
moved from the literature when their fraudulent nature was exposed.
That is the pitiful position of Darwinism in the 21 Century.
You will generally find the following expression in Darwinist pub-
lications: "There are so many fossils proving evolution that..." But that
is a terrible lie. It is merely intended to indoctrinate the people reading
it. To put it another way, the classic Darwinist method is being applied,
and a lie is being repeated very loud and over and over again in order
to make it convincing.
The fact is that there exists not a single fossil to prove the theory
of evolution. Darwinist scientists are, of course, very well aware of this
manifest truth shown by science. But because of the absence of these
fossils, they are also well aware of the impasse facing the theory of evo-
lution. But their dogmatic perspective obliges Darwinists to keep the
theory of evolution propped up, no matter what the cost.
Indeed, a call was recently made to Darwinists, asking them to put
just one single transitional fossil in their possession on display in some
of the world’s best known arenas. But as always, the only response was
a profound silence. Yet if their claims were true, if living species really
did evolve from one another, very gradually over millions of years and
in random stages, then Darwinists should have not just one but mil-
lions, or even trillions, of transitional fossils in their possession. But
Darwinists cannot even respond to the challenge to produce “just one
transitional fossil.” This is because they do not have a single transition-
al fossil. And that is why Darwinists are unable to cheerfully step up
and produce a single intermediate fossil.
The evolutionary paleontologist Mark Czarnecki makes this con-
fession on the subject:
All the fossils, drawings and models that Darwinists depict as transitional
forms are false. The truth is that not a single transitional fossil exists.