Page 168 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 168

Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System

                               der that Allah has created within a single cell is so
                                 complex that it cannot even be explained in terms
                                    of human ability, capacity and intelligence, let
                                      alone by chance.
                                            This fact represents one of greatest
                                          quandaries facing Darwinism. Since
                                            Darwinists have no account to offer on
                                              this subject, they generally adopt a
                                                policy of “glossing over it.” They
                                                 list the false mechanisms of the
                                                   theory of evolution, but have

                                                   nothing to say as to how these
                                                    supposedly produced evolu-
                                                    tion. The theory of evolution
                                                    has suffocated in its own de-
                                                     scriptions, but they try to
                                                     keep that fact from their read-
                                                     ers. Yet as can be seen from
                                                     the following admissions by
                                                     the evolutionary biologist

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