Page 167 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 167
Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)
Darwinist magical formula really works and that the fictitious first cell
actually formed (which is scientifically impossible), Darwinists are still
in an insoluble predicament. Darwinists have to account for each one of
the tasks undertaken by the organelles in a cell, the work done in the
body by an enzyme, the emergence and functioning of such complex
organs as the liver, spleen, stomach, lungs and brain and, even more
importantly, how all these came into being in an immaculate and flaw-
less way through a transition from other living things. But, inevitably,
Darwinists never address such matters, let alone explain them.
Because it is impossible to account for the wondrous complexity in
all organisms, from the smallest to the very largest, in terms of false
Darwinist mechanisms. In fact, all Darwinists are well aware that there
is a manifest miracle in the Earth and sky and in the creation of man
and all living things. Darwinists themselves know perfectly well that
using their own deceptive methods, they can never account for a fertil-
ized cell dividing and producing a human body consisting of 100 tril-
lion cells, of 30 trillion of these specializing in such a way as to consti-
tute the human brain, of the way 12 billion brain cells begin working in
a perfect manner by constructing 120 connections between them and,
as a result of all this, the emergence of an immaculate living thing.
Science writer and journalist Fred Heeren sets out this reality be-
fore Darwinists’ very eyes as follows:
This self-evident truth is the simple, rational deduction that all we see is
an effect which demands a very great, supernatural Cause. The Sun and
the stars, the Moon and this Earth could not have come from nothing.
That’s irrational- not just to the western mind but to the human mind.
Every phenomenon in the universe can be explained in terms of some-
thing else that caused it. But the phenomenon in question is the existence
of the universe itself, there is nothing in the universe to explain it. No nat-
ural explanation. 107
There is no doubt that it is Almighty Allah Who created and rules
over the entire universe, the Earth and sky and all living things. The or-