Page 157 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 157

Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)

             The Ida  hoax: The way that Darwinists tried to depict a fossil of a perfect, extinct
             lemur as evidence for the supposed evolution of man is a major indication of their
             hopelessness. Darwinists have been forced to apologize in the wake of the em-
             barrassing furor over Ida.

             as “antics” or “a circus”, and some of them clearly stated they were em-
             barrassed by the whole affair, and that Ida wasn't even close to being a
             “distant ancestor”, much less a (false) missing link. 99
                  Ardi, which was briefly mentioned above, was produced by
             putting together the fossilized remains of a Bonobo chimpanzee in a fic-
             titious way and made to resemble a human being; this obvious state of

             affairs evoked almost immediate criticism from some Darwinists. It
             was admitted in even the most staunchly Darwinist publications that
             all the claims about Ardi walking upright or being an early ancestor of
             man were wholly fictitious, and that Ardi bore more resemblance to an
             ordinary Bonobo chimpanzee, an endangered species which is still
             found in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Darwinists had to
             withdraw yet another of their preposterous claims. 100
                  Generally, the reaction of Darwinists to these frauds is quite fee-
             ble. According to their ideology, the simply must defend Darwinism,

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