Page 194 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 194
Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
protein, the building blocks of life, to form by chance was carefully kept
hidden away. So it has also been impossible to make out the scale of the
deception. What people who have been deceived in this way do not
know is this: Darwinism is neither science, nor scientific. Darwinism
has been questioned, and it has been proved that it is untrue and un-
supported by any scientific evidence. The scientists who espouse
Darwinism are people who are dogmatically and fanatically devoted to
this superstitious faith. The only explanation that science provides for
life is Creation. All scientific findings show that living things were cre-
ated in a single moment in all their perfect states. It is again this false
conditioning and indoctrination that lies behind the manner in which
Darwinism enjoys acceptance across the world. Therefore, the subjects
that convince such people are no more than sleight of hand. Even sci-
entists may sometimes be taken in by this deception. The British pale-
ontologist and evolutionist Colin Patterson makes an interesting con-
fession on this subject:
Then I woke up and realized that all my life I had been duped into taking
evolution as revealed truth in some way. I feel that the effects of hypothe-
ses of common ancestry in systematics has not been merely boring, not
just a lack of knowledge, I think it has been positively anti-knowledge” 138
Brian Leith, a documentary film producer, gives another example
of gradual awareness of the subject:
In the past ten years there has emerged a new breed of biologists who are
considered scientifically respectable, but who have their doubts about
Darwinism. 139
Another important piece of evidence confirming the accuracy of
the American economist Jeremy Rifkin's words that "Evolutionary the-
ory has been enshrined as the center-piece of our educational system,
and elaborate walls have been erected around it to protect it from un-
necessary abuse." 140 is the way that they turn a blind eye to these frauds
by Darwinist scientists and are not even embarrassed or offended when