Page 195 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 195
Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)
the true facts emerge. The best-known scientists in the world deliber-
ately maintain this deception in order to be able to mislead people.
Jonathan Wells cites an example:
What about Stephen Jay Gould, a historian of science who has known for
decades about Haeckel's faked embryo drawings? All that time, students
passing through Gould's classes were learning biology from textbooks
that probably used Haeckel's embryos as evidence for evolution. Yet
Gould did nothing to correct the situation until another biologist com-
plained about it in 1999. Even then, Gould blamed textbook-writers for
the mistake, and dismissed the whistle-blower (a Lehigh University bio-
chemist) [Michael J. Behe] as a creationist. Who bears the greatest respon-
sibility here- textbook-writers who mindlessly recycle faked drawings,
people who complain about them, or the world-famous expert who
watches smugly from the sidelines while his colleagues unwittingly be-
come accessories to what he himself calls the 'academic equivalent of
The revelation that the peppered moth story is flawed came only recently
compared to the truth about Haeckel’s embryos, so perhaps some text-
book-writers can be excused for continuing to use it. Yet every biologist
who works on peppered moths has known for over a decade that moths
don’t rest on tree trunks and the textbook photographs have been staged.
Many biology textbooks carry photographs of light and dark peppered
moths on tree trunks to illustrate this famous story. Yet biologists have
known for over a decade that the story has problems. 141
The way that Darwinists misappropriate science and, further-
more, give the impression they are maintaining and preserving it, is in
and of itself a huge deception. In fact, contrary to what it claims,
Darwinism acts in complete violation of science. It tries to cover up the
scientific evidence. It makes claims that contradict the results of labora-
tory experiments. Even though the fossil record proves that transitional
forms never existed, they still propagate the lie that living things
evolved in such a way as to leave countless intermediate forms behind