Page 199 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 199
Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)
Deceptive publications and
broadcasts are no longer enough to
prop Darwinism up. The scientific
evidence had definitely discredited
this false theory.
price. That is why Darwinists have no compunctions about depicting a
deception they have imposed on the whole world through false meth-
ods as true and valid instead.
Indeed, when one looks at the attitude toward Allah of the various
scientific centers that support these publications, the position becomes
perfectly clear. The result of a recent investigation in Nature magazine
concerning the views about religion of members of the U.S. National
Academy of Science (NAS) was this: according to responses from 517
NAS members from departments of biology and physics, 72.2% are
atheists, 20.8% are agnostics, while only 7.0% believe in Allah. 143 The
following admission by the neurobiologist and evolutionist Robert
Provine makes this perfectly clear: "Very few truly religious biologists
remain. Most are atheists and many have been driven there by their un-