Page 206 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 206
Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
lution, it will be equally irrational to believe that written pieces
adorned with scientific terminology are necessarily true. Darwinists
have for years made use of this superstitious belief system. But the time
has now come for this to be eradicated and for the scientific facts to be
accepted. Once the written and visual media, Darwinism’s most impor-
tant propaganda tool, can no longer deceive people, there will be no
room for Darwinist propaganda anywhere else.
9. Darwinists Seek to Impose the False Idea That
Opposition to Evolution Is a Violation of Logic
Aiming accusations at the other side is perhaps the best-known
tactic of psychological warfare. In a struggle waged by imputing one’s