Page 207 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 207
Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)
own flaws and deficiencies, or things one is accused of doing to the oth-
er side, the party that implements this tactic imagines that whoever
wages this kind of propaganda more powerfully will win. In other
words, if the side that is guilty and in the wrong makes good use of this
propaganda, then it will appear to be in the right and the aggrieved
party and thus, it imagines, will win the struggle.
This familiar tactic has been blatantly applied by Darwinists in re-
cent times. Even though it is Darwinists who engage in fraud, espouse
a deception, who are irrational and illogical and who deceive other
people, they try to convince people that it is those who deny evolution
who are espousing illogical ideas. Darwinists imagine that if they can
make people believe this lie, if they can mislead people thoroughly and
effectively enough, then they will achieve success. They think this dev-
ilish tactic will work out best for them and that it will cover up all the
frauds they perpetrate. But they are forgetting one very important
thing; superstition is never victorious. This is the law of Allah. The jus-
tice of our Almighty Lord Allah will definitely be done. Almighty Allah
knows the truth and who shelters behind deception, and He will elim-
inate superstition and strengthen the. Darwinist tactics are tricks of sa-
tan and Allah, Who created the dajjal as well as all other living things,
Darwin conducted no scientific research on his travels,
merely spending time with drunken sailors.