Page 212 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 212
Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
tools are monkeys. Due to various aspects of their anatomical charac-
teristics, monkeys really are created to be similar to be humans. These
similarities are something that deceive most Darwinists, and thus lead
them to mislead others.
In order to be able to make use of the similarity between humans
and monkeys, Darwinists look at a monkey and emphasize various as-
pects of its behavior, such as use of tools or ability to learn. The aim is
to supposedly legitimize the famous Darwinist deception that humans
are descended from apes and cause people to form that impression.
Once some people have been exposed to such conditioning, and go to
the zoo or watch a documentary about monkeys, they develop a specif-
ic opinion along those lines. So influenced do they become by this
Darwinist deception that they are easily able to believe that a living
thing they see could easily turn into human being “if it grew a bit,
shaved off its fur and ate better food.” A few technical similarities laid
the foundation for successful Darwinist conditioning. Programs about
monkeys that have learned various primitive forms of behavior similar
to those in human beings appear again and again on Darwinist TV sta-
tions and internet sites. Some viewers who see what a monkey can do
when trained, and who have little knowledge of Darwinism, come to
possess a completely erroneous perspective because of the Darwinist
conditioning they are subjected to. Intelligent behavior exhibited by
monkeys is shown over and over again in order to strengthen the pro-
paganda regarding these creatures being man’s supposed earliest fore-
Darwinists try to mislead people by using the similarities
between human beings and apes. But what makes human
beings human is that they have a soul.