Page 214 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 214
Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
In making these claims, Darwinists try to make forget the main
difference between humans and monkeys. Man is an entity capable of
saying “I am,” who is aware of his own existence and why he is created,
who is capable of reflecting on the reason for his existence and of mak-
ing judgments. For that reason, man is a totally different entity to other
life forms. Compared with this, anatomical similarities and abilities
have only a minor differential capacity. A conscious entity, aware of its
own existence and capable of saying “this is me,” cannot be accounted
for in any materialist terms. No materialist account can explain a sup-
posed transition from a life form unconscious and unaware of its own
existence into one with a soul and aware of its existence. Darwinists can
produce as much false evidence for this unscientific account as they
wish (and all the fossils so far produced have been fraud), but they will
never be able to account for the human soul and consciousness. That is
what Darwinists do not wish to speak of and that inflicts total despair
on them as they speak of the co-called evolution of man and try to im-
pose a whole series of false skulls as evidence for this.
In addition to all this, there are other living things that display far
more intelligent characteristics than monkeys, whose abilities
Darwinists imagine are the greatest form of evidence. Crows, bees,
beavers and termites sometimes behave far more intelligently than
monkeys, and behave in a way that requires far more ability. For that
reason, this claim based on ability and skills is totally misleading.
First and foremost, Darwinists need to account for what makes
human beings human; how they are affected by what they see and
hear, how they think about these, use reason, possess feelings such as
respect, love and loyalty, and possess a soul that enables them to make
decisions and judgments. This mindset, that believes in the absolute ex-
istence of matter and that regards human consciousness as simply a
collection of neurons, is totally speechless in the face of the existence of
the soul. For a long time now, Darwinists have been working on the ori-
gin of consciousness and on imaginary evolution; or, to put it another