Page 210 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 210
Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
By any realistic definition naturalism is a religion, and an extreme-
ly dogmatic one. It rests on a basic conviction about ultimate reality
that is held by a kind of faith, and it incorporates its own definitions of
"knowledge" and "reason." It says that knowledge comes ultimately
from our senses and that the more complex forms of knowledge come
from scientific investigation. By naturalistic definition there can be no
such thing as knowledge of the supernatural. Statements about God are
either non-rational or irrational (if they purport to make objective fac-
tual claims). (Surely Allah is beyond that.)
But it is actually naturalism and materialism that are totally irra-
tional. The followers of these perverse beliefs ascribe the power to cre-
ate to chance, coincidence and unconscious phenomena (surely Allah is
beyond that) and are devoid of any power of rational judgment. What
the adherents of a perverse religion that ascribes divinity to chance re-
fer to as “knowledge” is based on the idea that chance created every-
thing out of nothing. So what we are talking about here consists of a
perverse belief system with no room for reason and logic. For that rea-
son, it will not be hard to see that it is impossible to refer to such con-
cepts as reason or information when dealing with naturalism, material-
ism and Darwinism.
Darwinists are terrified of the widespread discussion of the fact of
Creation and of people being convinced of it. They know that there are
countless pieces of evidence corroborating the fact of creation, and that
nobody seeing these will ever be taken in again by the deception that is