Page 218 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 218

Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System

                  Crows from the species Corvus moneduloides living on New Caledonia in
              the Pacific Islands are far superior to chimpanzees when it comes to making
              tools. Researchers investigating crows in their natural habitat on the island of
              New Caledonia in 2003 concluded that the knowledge of tools these animals
              employed revealed a “technological progress” handed down between genera-
              tions and individuals. The final example of this miraculous behavior is the be-
              havior of a crow called Betty studied in a laboratory in Oxford University.
                  Betty turned a metal rod into a tool by bending it, with no outside inter-
              vention. When her beak was unable to reach food at the bottle of a deep bowl,
              she found a metal rod for herself in the laboratory and bent the end, turning it
              into a hook. She was then easily able to extract the food. There is one very im-
              portant point here that really amazed scientists; Betty was able to realize how
              the length and flexibility of a material she had never encountered before
              would be of use to her. She managed to bend that flexible material in a manner
              entirely appropriate to her needs. When scientists wishing to establish
              whether this achievement of Betty's was the work of coincidence tested the
              crow, she achieved the same success 9 times out of 10. The scientists stated that
              despite tiny Betty’s brain she exhibited a level of intelligence far higher than
              that of chimpanzees. The BBC, which maintains its Darwinist prejudices, com-
              mented that “Betty has put our closest relatives to shame.”
                  Betty is just one of many birds capable of “intelligent” behavior. Much
              research into this is going on is the scientific world. (For details see, The
              Miracle of Talking Birds by Harun Yahya) These all reveal that evolutionist
              claims about chimpanzee behavior are largely for propaganda purposes. All
              comments based on the intelligence of chimpanzees, and claims of a family
              link between human beings and chimpanzees, are obviously false.

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