Page 223 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 223

Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)

             shown such false models or drawings rather than the fossils them-
             selves. Darwinists cannot produce fossils, because all fossils belong to
             perfectly formed entities. All fossils show that life forms millions of
             years ago were perfectly and fully formed. Moreover, fossils also show
             that present-day life forms were around millions of years ago, and have
             never changed since. This is why fossils, which should be a paleontol-
             ogy museums’ sole reference material, are left out of the equation. Since
             all fossils prove the fact of Creation, Darwinists kept all the 300 million-

             plus fossils that had been found hidden away. They never put them on
             show or displayed them for people.
                  Darwinists also use various scientific magazines as tools for visual
             conditioning. Since Darwinist journals cannot provide any scientific ev-
             idence, they concentrate on propaganda instead. As a requirement of
             this propaganda, they regard it as sufficient to use striking cover de-
             signs, the colors used on the cover and inside pages, the photographs
             chosen and the language employed in order to send the desired mes-
             sage to the reader. The spell concealed under this mask ensures that the
             person reading the magazine will be influenced by its visual appear-
             ance and the photos within it, and hugely impressed by the strange, al-
             most mystical Latin terminology employed in it.

                  Every opportunity, from advertising to movies, from music clips
             to song lyrics, cartoons, books and newspaper and magazine articles
             are used to prevent this spell from being broken. The aim is for people
             to memorize certain words and clichéd sentences and be familiarized
             with certain images. Every moment of people’s lives are filled with the
             fictitious transitional stages between monkeys and man, mendacious
             images of transitional fossils, and fraudulent reconstructions of primi-
             tive humans. There is huge concentration on this in newspapers and
             magazines, great or small, in the form of a single word of much more
             comprehension. The aim is to prevent the effect of the Darwinist spell

             on people being broken.

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