Page 226 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 226
Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
rather and on the contrary makes their lives ugly and
unpleasant and inflicts material and spiritual suffering.
This can be better realized when one considers the social col-
lapse going on in many Western countries.
Believing in Darwinism may seem rather more acceptable for
some people who prefer not to think about all this. Because some peo-
ple may have a predisposition to take things easy, imagining this will
“simplify” their lives. Most people see nothing wrong in thinking of
themselves as irresponsible beings descended from animals. And that
is what Darwinism does, literally equating human beings with flies or
The evolutionist and paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould summa-
rizes this way of thinking:
Humans represent just one tiny, largely, fortuitous, and late- arising twig
on the enormously arborescent bush of life. 151
The bus posters supported by the atheist Richard Dawkins in var-
ious countries are a clear and explicit instance of the ugly propaganda
in question. The posters backed by Dawkins indoctrinate people with
atheism and thus foolishly advise people to “enjoy life free of any re-
sponsibilities.” This call may seem quite realistic to someone who does
not think too deeply, and he will quickly receive the Darwinist condi-
tioning in question. Everything is set out so simplistically that such a
person will be unaware of the error he has fallen into and how he has
been deceived.