Page 230 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 230
Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
Freud’s attribution of human behavior to influences over which we have
little control, that provided a crucial plank to the platform of mechanism
and materialism” that has since been “the stage of most Western
thought”." 155
But this is all a deception.
Human beings are not freed from their responsibilities by regard-
ing everything as simple and unconscious. And it is impossible for a
feeling of avoiding one’s responsibilities to make people happy. Once
people cast off this feeling, they will not suddenly enjoy earthly plea-
sures or at once be freed from all their worries. There is a very impor-
tant truth that atheists and Darwinists either do not know, or refuse to
admit: Allah creates all things. It is also Allah Who creates blessings
and pleasures in this world. And it is therefore Allah Who bestows
the sensation of enjoying earthly pleasures and a pleasant life.
If Allah so wishes He can make a person suffer the worst unhap-
piness and torment in the midst of all blessings and in great plenty and
abundance. No matter how much a person may strive to have unlimit-
ed enjoyment of all delights, it is still Allah Who bestows pleasure and
happiness on him. One of atheists’ and Darwinists’ gravest errors is
that they ignore this reality.
Everyone who thinks he has no responsibilities is also searching
for love, comfort and security, just like everyone else. But he will pos-
sess none of these in a society made up of individuals like himself.
Throughout his life, the irre-
sponsible person tries to forget
that he will one day die. But he
is in fact constantly in the
shadow of death. He sees the
deaths of people around him
and constantly witnesses sick-