Page 234 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 234
Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
life with no fear and troubles. Someone who fears Allah knows he will
have to account for himself to Him and cannot live in violation of his
conscience. Nobody who fears Allah can harm anyone else, display
poor moral values, or regard human beings as random entities.
Someone who trusts Allah knows that it is Allah Who creates him, pre-
serves him and gives him his daily bread, health and strength and
knows he can ask these things from Him alone. Someone who fears
Allah knows that he is subject to an auspicious destiny created by
Allah, that he is solely tested in this world, and that his real life will be
the one appointed for him by Allah in the Hereafter. For that reason,
they constantly strive in this world. They know that are responsible to
Allah, that they must render account to Him, and that Allah does not
create them to be unfettered and irresponsible.
For them, blessings are means for rejoicing, and it is only believers
who can properly appreciate and enjoy blessings. People imagine that
they will achieve satisfaction when they enjoy unlimited pleasures. But
this lack of restraint leads people to become tired of, and even disgust-
ed with, blessings. The delights they expected to enjoy suddenly turn
into afflictions and burdens. But the state of mind that loves blessings
from Allah and enjoys them because Allah created them is very differ-
ent. Someone who lives in that way enjoys extraordinary delight. And
by Allah’s leave, the reward for living in that awareness is a pleasant
life in this world and the Hereafter. Allah reveals in verses that:
Yes, the friends of Allah will feel no fear and will know no sorrow:
those who believe and show piety, there is good news for them in the
life of this world and in the Hereafter. There is no changing the words
of Allah. That is the great victory! (Surah Yunus, 62-64)
13. Darwinists Inculcate the Lie That “Darwinism Does Not
Conflict with Belief in Allah”
Materialism represents the basis of Darwinism. According to the