Page 239 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 239

Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)

             deifies chance, is to be able to
             deny the existence of Allah (surely Allah
             is beyond that). And there is nothing that
             Darwinists will not do to turn people away from belief in Allah.
                  That is why people must always be on their guard against this
                  In his documentary Expelled: "No Intelligence Allowed," which ex-
             plains how Darwinism is a false religion based on indoctrination, the
             journalist Larry Witham makes the following statement:

                  Implicit in most evolutionary theories is that either there is no God or
                  God can’t have anything, any role in it (God is beyond that). So naturally
                  as many evolutionists say it is the strongest engine for atheism. 157
                  So even though Darwinists definitively oppose belief in Allah,
             they still play this unpleasant trick on people. But the people who be-
             lieve in this nasty deception fail to consider the fact that Almighty
             Allah is certainly powerful enough to create all things by a variety of
             means. Had He wished, our Lord could have created living things by
             way of evolution. But He did not. All living things came into being on
             Earth in a single moment, created from nothing.
                  Not a single verse of the Qur’an points to evolution.
             According to the Qur’an, the universe and all living things
             were created by Allah commanding them to “Be!”
             Allah has revealed, with all the Divine re-

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