Page 243 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 243

Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)

             people are silent when the issue of the cre-
             ation of the djinn and angels is raised. Allah re-
             veals the creation of djinn and angels in verses:
                  We created mankind out of dried clay formed from
                  fetid black mud. We created the jinn before out of the fire
                  of a searing wind. (Surat al-Hijr, 26-27)
                  Praise be to Allah, the Bringer into Being of the heavens and earth, He
                  Who made the angels messengers, with wings – two, three or four. He
                  adds to creation in any way He wills. Allah has power over all things.
                  (Surah Fatir, 1)
                  Those who maintain that man and living things came into being
             through evolution are of course unable to account for angels, created
             from light, and djinn, created from fire, in terms of evolution. For peo-
             ple who fail to appreciate the might of Allah, who do not realize that
             Allah is unfettered by any natural causes, and who deny that our Lord
             creates all things by telling them to “Be!” the existence of angels and
             djinn does away with all their false claims. Because the existence of
             djinn and angels reveals this reality; since djinn and angels were not
             created through evolution, neither was man.
                  Those people who blindly espouse Darwinism can never account

             for the staff of the Prophet Moses (pbuh) turning into a snake, as de-
             scribed in the Qur’an, or a bird fashioned from a piece of clay by the
             Prophet Jesus (pbuh) coming to life. Almighty Allah describes how the
             Prophet Moses'’ (pbuh) staff turned into a snake in these verses:
                  He said, ‘It is my staff. I lean on it and beat down leaves for my sheep with

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