Page 247 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 247
Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)
For years now, materialism has been waging a psychological cam-
paign against belief in Allah, one that it in fact lost right from the out-
set. Unable to comprehend that Allah will definitely thwart supersti-
tion, materialists are still foolishly persisting in this struggle with all
their might. It has been proved that the universe came into being from
zero volume with the Big Bang, in other words that it was created from
nothing, and is constantly expanding, as described in Allah’s verses,
yet materialists still engaged in this campaign against the truth are
making illogical claims in order to indoctrinate people with the non-
sense that matter is timeless and eternal. Quantum physics has shown
that matter consists solely of light waves, yet since materialists espouse
the absolute existence of matter, and reject anything outside matter,
they have constantly sought ways of denying that fact. Countless scien-
tific advances and particularly findings made in the field of paleontol-
ogy have scientifically proved the invalidity of the theory of evolution,
yet materialists still persist in their campaigns, which were defeated
right from the outset, intending to indoctrinate people with the idea
that living things actually evolved. The more blows science has dealt to
materialism, the more the question of the materialist counter-offensive
has been raised. Materialism responded to the scientific evidence with
a psychological campaign. That is what it is trying to do by means of
the Darwinist deception.