Page 250 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 250
Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
But this success on the part of the system of the dajjal is a false one.
The Darwinist deception has finally come to an end.
All the frauds of Darwinism have finally been exposed in the 21 st
Century in which we are living. People have realized that all the spec-
imens Darwinists have alleged to be transitional forms over the last 150
years are false. Just about everywhere in the world has been excavated,
and more than 500 million fossils have been discovered, but it is clear
that not a single one is a transitional form. It has been realized that all
these fossils represent perfect life forms, and that a great many belong
to forms still alive today. With this evidence, people have realized that
living things emerged with the same appearance they have today and
never changed at all. And through that fact, they have come to see why
Darwinists kept fossils hidden away in drawers and tried to conceal the
scientific evidence. Findings from such sciences as microbiology, pale-
ontology, molecular biology and genetics have definitely proved that
the theory of evolution is one that could not possibly have happened.
In addition to all this, people have also seen that the reason why
Darwinists are opposed to belief in Allah and the fact of creation is their
adoption of Darwinism, a perverse religion. It has thus been realized
that Darwinists have resorted to all kinds of fraud and deception in or-
der to mislead people. There is a great deal of evidence before people’s
eyes refuting evolution. People have now realized that evolution is a
deception. They now know that the theory of evolution is supported by
not one single piece of evidence. By the will of Allah, it is now impos-
sible for them to come under the influence of the Darwinist deception.
People have visited exhibitions displaying evidence of the invalid-
The deception that is Darwinism came to a complete end
in the face of 300 million fossils all proving Creation.