Page 254 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 254

Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System

                                                                       1- 93% of people an-
                                                                       swered “yes” to the
                                                                       question "Should sub-
                                                                       jects such as
                                                                       Creationism and
                                                                       Intelligent Design be
                                                                       taught alongside the
                                                                       theory of evolution in
                                                                       public schools?”

                                                     2       2- The French Science Actualités web
                                                             site held an open poll in the wake of
                                                             the huge impact that followed the dis-
                                                             tribution of the Atlas of Creation. The
                                                             results of the survey showed that
                                                             Darwinism in France has been obliter-
                                                             ated. According to the poll, headed
                                                             "Your Thoughts on the Subject of
                                                             Evolution,” 92% of the public do not
                                                             believe in evolution.

                                            3- According to the results of a poll published on the
                                            web site of Ekstra Bladet, a high circulation Danish
                                            daily, "Danes no longer believe in evolution.” Asked
                                            “Do you think that human beings are descended from
                                            apes? 88% of the Danish public responded “No.”


                                                                  4- Die Welt, one of
                                                                  Germany’s leading publi-
                                                                  cations, held a poll on the
                                                                  subject of creation on its
                                                                  web site; 86% of partici-
                                                                  pants answered the
                                                                  question “How do you
                                                                  think life formed?” by
                                                                  saying “Allah created it.”

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