Page 253 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 253

Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)

             considerable decline in the number of students believing in the theory
             of evolution in French schools, and attributed this to the impact of the
             Atlas of Creation in France. Darwinist professors explicitly described
             this huge blow inflicted on Darwinism as “severe,” distressing” and “a
             humiliation” for Darwinism. 159
                  The Swedish embryologist Soren Lovtrup makes the following
             analysis of the current position of the Darwinist deception:

                  I suppose that nobody will deny that it is a great misfortune if an entire
                  branch of science becomes addicted to a false theory. But this is what has
                  happened in biology: for a long time now people discuss evolutionary
                  problems in a peculiar “Darwinian” vocabulary- “adaption.” “selection
                  pressure,” “natural selection.” Etc. – thereby believing that they con-
                  tribute to the explanation of natural events. They do not...
                  I believe that one day the Darwinian myth will be ranked the greatest de-
                  ceit in the history of science. 160
                  The fact that Darwinism is the worst deception in history is cur-

             rently spreading rapidly right across the world. Obstacles put in place
             against the fact of Creation by official institutions such as the European
             Council reveal the terrible panic that Darwinists are in. Never before in
             history has an assembly representing nation states lined up behind a
             deception and taken an official decision to support a fraud. That is the
             state to which Darwinist panic has brought the supporters of
             Darwinism in the 21 Century. Darwinists imagine that they can keep
             this deception propped up by means of repressive governmental deci-
             sions, making evolution an obligatory part of classes, seeking to con-
             ceal the fact of Creation from students by making one-sided use of the
             judiciary and engaging in a one-sided imposition. The fact is, however,

             that the honest conclusion reached by millions of people in the face of
             Darwinist deception is far superior to all the oppressive and imposed
             measures and the results therefrom.
                  No Darwinist can alter people’s definitive opinions through any

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