Page 248 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 248
Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
This has brought together Nobel prize-winning professors, scien-
tists, paleontologists, microbiologists, zoologists and scientific writers
to shamelessly and unhesitatingly espouse the irrational deception that
“molecules existed in water; the cell came into being through the effects
of mud, chance and time.” These people have cast such a spell that mil-
lions of other people have begun to believe, under the influence of this
psychological campaign, that drops of fat falling into water assumed a
cellular form, that a fish walked out of the water, that the first-ever bird
hatched out of a dinosaur egg and began flying, and that monkeys
gradually and by chance turned into human beings that make discov-
eries, create civilizations, develop technologies, write computer pro-
grams and send rockets into space.
A scientist is regarded as worthy of the Nobel Prize because he
discovers “just one part” of the extraordinary structure of the cell that
nobody had ever discovered before. But after winning this prestigious
prize, that same scientist has no hesitation about teaching his students
the myth that that same cell came into being purely by chance from a
bit of mud. Despite having put his name to countless pieces of research,
that same scientist will have no qualms about telling his students about
Piltdown Man, Haeckel’s fraudulent embryo illustrations and the
Industrial Revolution moths, which are all deceptions, as if they really
constituted evidence for evolution.
This is the pathetic state to which the spell of the system of the da-
jjal brings Darwinists. Through Darwinism, the dajjal has entered just
about everyone’s brain, has deceived them over a very long period of
Almighty Allah is the Creator of all entities in
the world. A world freed from the Darwinist
deception will finally become aware of that fact.