Page 224 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 224
Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
The language deliberately developed against Creation, and what
they foolishly imagine to be a mocking attitude, are also intended to
complete the effect of this spell. The reason for all the jokes, articles,
talk and cartoons about belief in Allah (surely Allah is beyond that) is
to familiarize people with Darwinist indoctrination. This unpleasant
spectacle, intended to eliminate any tendency in people towards belief
in Allah and to lay the foundation for Darwinism in their minds, is part
of the dajjal’s stratagem.
But this spell has at last been broken. The supporters of the system
of the dajjal fail to understand the position in which they find them-
selves. There can be no question of people continuing to believe in the
theory of evolution once they have been told, just one time, of all the
evidence that disproves Darwinism. That is why, as in all their propa-
ganda techniques, Darwinists resort to complicated verbiage, Latin ter-
minology and visual conditioning. But all it takes is to tell the true facts
just one time, using a very simple form of language, to reveal the evi-
dence that demonstrates the invalidity of Darwinism. Even someone
who has been exposed to a lifetime of Darwinist conditioning can never
continue to believe in the lie that is Darwinism in the face of these ir-
refutable facts, because he now knows the truth. All it takes is for some-
one in a pitch dark room to see the Sun behind the drapes for just a sec-
ond. No matter how dark the room he is in, it will no longer be possible
to convince that person that it is nighttime outside. The current state of
affairs is no different. The Darwinist conditioning imagined to be so
successful over the years has now been eliminated and lost all its influ-
ence by the exposition of the facts, one time, and with full supporting
scientific evidence.
Our Lord describes this position of the followers of the dajjal in a
verse thus:
Those are the people who have lost their own selves. What they invent-
ed has abandoned them. (Surah Hud, 21)