Page 275 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 275
Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)
Darwinism is the most illogical and unbelievable superstitious re-
ligion there has ever been. Despite the perfect order and intelligence in
every detail of life, Darwinism still interprets these as the work of sup-
posedly unconscious and random processes. Protein is an exceedingly
complex molecule that cannot even be produced by itself in laborato-
ries, and it is amazing to examine such a complex life form under an
electron microscope. But Darwinism claims that this glorious work of
creation “came into being by chance.” Living things were created with
very different characteristics to one another, and it has emerged, in an
irrefutable and explicit manner, that their organs and structures can-
not possible turn into one another. But Darwinism maintains that all
the glorious variety of life on Earth is descended from a single bacteri-
um. There is not a single piece of evidence to corroborate the claims of
Darwinism that living things are descended from one another. Yet
Darwinist magazines still publish a new false fossil every week. There
is a manifest order and splendor on Earth. But Darwinism maintains
that all these things supposedly emerged spontaneously, out of chaos,
irregularity and disorder, as the result of blind chance. When these
facts are borne in mind, it is impossible for Darwinism to attract
worldwide support or for any rational person to find any logic or evi-
dence in it.