Page 280 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 280
Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
Living by the exact opposite of the moral values revealed by Allah
in the Qur’an is a consequence of the system of the dajjal. The great ma-
jority of people are unable to live at ease or be happy because they
abide by the system of the dajjal, and live in scarcity when they should
enjoy an abundance of blessings. This dark system is a terrible scourge
on mankind.
But the way of the dajjal is now intellectually dead. All the trickery
to deceive and alienate people from the right path has been exposed
and obliterated. The way of the dajjal has no more straws to cling to. It
can no longer deceive people or make them believe in the deception of
And by Allah’s leave it will be unable to do so in the future
. Because according to Allah’s promise, superstition is condemned
to be annihilated. Allah created this state of affairs so that human be-
ings could properly appreciate His might and see the truth. Otherwise,
there is no doubt that Allah would just have to say “Be!” in order to
eliminate the system of the dajjal and impose the moral values of the