Page 277 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 277
Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)
would have. They failed to realize that they were surrounded by a per-
verse system that had a negative effect on their children, countries and
the environment they lived in. They failed to grasp that this perverse
intellectual system represented the main cause of the aggression,
slaughter, murder, theft, immorality, degeneracy, anarchy, wars and
terror going on around them, and that it was making things worse
every day. They never imagined that teaching their children
Darwinism would make them immoral, rebellious and degenerate and
turn them away from human qualities. The system of the dajjal ap-
proached so cunningly and wreaked such trickery that the majority of
people were made captive by it, without ever realizing it, or what
It is exceedingly difficult for the scourges
inflicted on the world by Darwinism to
come to an end while Darwinist education
is still going on.