Page 210 - Names of Allah
P. 210

                                     A AS-SA’IQ
                       The Driver; He Who Drives to Hell
                 But We will drive the evildoers to Hell, like cattle to a wa-
                 tering hole. (Surah Maryam, 19:86)

                 Humanity was created to serve Allah and has been placed here
            to be tested. Allah meets all of our needs and has granted us various
            blessings. Despite this, however, some people forget the purpose of
            their existence, become ungrateful, and rebel against Allah. Such re-
            bellion has to be punished, for Allah is infinitely just. In the Qur’an,
            He reveals the end of those who grow arrogant, as follows:
                 As was the case with the people of Pharaoh and those be-
                 fore them. They denied Our Signs, so Allah seized them for
                 their wrong actions. Allah is fierce in retribution. Say to
                 those who are unbelievers: “You will be overwhelmed and
                 crowded into Hell. What an evil resting-place!” (Surah Al
                 ‘Imran, 3:11-12)
                 Although granted countless opportunities and given many
            warnings to turn to the straight path, they insisted upon turning
            away and becoming arrogant. Thus, on the Day of Judgment,
                 ...You will see the wrongdoers saying, when they see the
                 punishment: “Is there no way back?” You will see them as
                 they are exposed to it, abject in their abasement, glancing
                 around them furtively. Those who believe will say: “Truly
                 the losers are those who lose themselves and their families
                 on the Day of Rising.” The wrongdoers are in an everlast-
                 ing punishment. (Surah ash-Shura, 42:44-45)
                 This situation manifests Allah’s infinite justice. In one verse,

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