Page 212 - Names of Allah
P. 212

                                     A AS-SANI‘
                             The Artificer; The Maker
                 You will see the mountains you reckoned to be solid going
                 past like clouds—the handiwork of Allah Who gives to
                 everything its solidity. He is aware of what you do. (Surat an-
                 Naml, 27:88)

                 Every being, whether living or non-living, teems with signs of a
            superior wisdom and an infinite knowledge. No doubt, these mani-
            fest Allah’s attribute of al-‘Aleem. They also have another very im-
            portant feature: a very delicate artistry. This attribute manifests
            itself in the form of an extraordinary appearance, flawlessness, a
            delicate and unique artistry, harmony, and design.
                 For instance, we can see the human body’s flawless design. All
            organs are placed in the most appropriate place. For instance, the
            places of the eyes and the heart, the latter of which is protected by
            the sternum, are entrusted with many divine purposes. The body’s
            symmetry, which is designed according to the “golden ratio” used
            by painters, is also strikingly beautiful. Indeed, each person’s eyes,
            nose, and mouth are put into their individual places with great deli-
                 In many living beings, Allah created certain details to manifest
            His attribute of as-Sani‘. As a result, every living being is unique. A
            tropical bird’s wings or a flower’s petals are dominated by phospho-
            rous colors, whereas a butterfly’s wings contain several colors.
            Similarly, a reptile, a bird, and a marine animal are totally different
            from each other.
                 This infinite artistry is also visible in the plant world. As “And

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