Page 216 - Names of Allah
P. 216
The All-Hearing
Certainly those who argue about the Signs of Allah without
any authority having come to them have nothing in their
hearts except pride, which they will never be able to vindi-
cate. Therefore seek refuge with Allah. He is the All-
Hearing, the All-Seeing. (Surah Ghafir, 40:56)
As well as seeing everything, Allah, Who is closer to us than
our jugular veins, hears every noise in the universe. For example,
He hears each noise made by all of the galaxies, planets, and celes-
tial bodies; those made by the billions of invisible living beings liv-
ing in the micro-universe, for He created them; and the noise made
by a splitting seed, a flash of lightening, or a flying bird’s wings.
This fact is related in the following verse:
Say: “My Lord knows what is said in heaven and Earth. He
is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.” (Surat al-Anbiya’,
One sign of Allah’s greatness and power is His hearing every
noise made by all living and non-living beings. He hears—and an-
swers—the prayers of all people who secretly turn to Him and call
upon Him. Indeed, in another verse Allah states: “If My servants
ask you about Me, I am near. I answer the call of the caller when
he calls upon Me...” (Surat al-Baqara, 2:186). This is quite easy for
Allah, for He is everywhere at the same moment.
In addition, Allah also hears the rebels’ most delicate plots, for
He encompasses all things in His knowledge. No person has ever
uttered a single word without Him knowing it. They will be con-