Page 213 - Names of Allah
P. 213

also the things of varying colors He has created for you in the land.
         There is certainly a Sign in that for people who pay heed” (Surat
         an-Nahl, 16:13) tells us, Allah created millions of different plants and
         flowers with various odors, smell, colors, and symmetry. For exam-
         ple, an orchid has hundreds of different appearances and colors.
         Similarly, a rose has many colors of varying tones. Such uniqueness
         is a clear sign of His artistry.
             Allah manifests this attribute by presenting all of these aes-
         thetic living beings to humanity. He could have created just one type
         of every living being. But by creating many species, He has dis-
         played an amazing artistry that mere words cannot describe with
         full justice. Moreover, the examples of His artistry are wherever we
         look and are perfect.

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