Page 68 - Names of Allah
P. 68

                                     A AL-HADI
                                      The Guide
                 And so that those who have been given knowledge will
                 know it is the truth from their Lord and have faith in it, and
                 their hearts will be humbled to Him. Allah guides those
                 who believe to a straight path. (Surat al-Hajj, 22:54)

                 There are two kinds of people: those who know and so can ap-
            preciate Allah’s power, and those who do not. The latter lead an or-
            dinary life and die. Throughout their lives, they are reluctant to
            wonder why they exist or who created them, whether they have any
            responsibilities toward Him, or the infinite power of our Lord, Who
            created the entire universe, including them, from nothing. Instead,
            they busy themselves with such mundane issues as their education,
            how to get promoted at work, or their children’s future. Of course
            such matters deserve some attention, but it is a great mistake to
            make them the goal of one’s life. Such minor issues hinder people
            from seeing the countless miracles surrounding them. Furthermore,
            even if they can see these miracles, they shy away from pondering
            over them.
                 Those who feel the urge to get acquainted with the signs of
            Allah’s existence and absolute power, and then begin to appreciate
            them, lead a totally different life. Out of their strong conscience, they
            observe their surroundings with awe and acknowledge that He cre-
            ated whatever they see. Aware of their responsibilities toward our
            Lord, the All-Mighty, they do what is pleasing to Allah, live accord-
            ing to His rules, and, most important of all, realize that each person
            will be called to account in the Hereafter.

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