Page 72 - Names of Allah
P. 72

                                 A AL-HAFEEDH
                          The Guardian; The Preserver
                 "If you turn your backs, I have transmitted to you what I was
                 sent to you with; my Lord will replace you with another peo-
                 ple, and you will not harm Him at all.  My Lord is the
                 Preserver of everything." (Surah Hud, 11:57)

                 Today, all of our scientific data indicates that the universe was
            brought into existence from nonexistence. Those atoms that existed
            when the universe first came into existence, and those that make up
            every living and non-living being today, are the very same atoms.
            Science further verifies that the number of atoms in existence has
            never changed. Those atoms, which spread at a tremendous speed
            throughout the universe after it came into existence, today make up
            stars, Earth, the air, water on Earth’s surface and even in your body.
            The fact that they accomplish this with such a superior order reveals
            the existence of the Power that controls each atom, for the existence
            of this order necessitates the existence of the Power that establishes
                 At this point, we come across one fact: Allah, Who created mat-
            ter from non-existence and established a flawless order, surely
            knows about each stage of this process, for even a single second of
            such an intricate and complex system could not have formed ran-
            domly. This fact reveals His infinite power. Moreover, He continues
            to observe and protect this order. The verse, “Your Lord is always
            watching” (Surah al-Fajr, 89:14) reveals Allah’s everlasting protec-
            tion of the universe:
                 We know exactly how the earth eats them away. We possess

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