Page 77 - Names of Allah
P. 77

                                 A AL-HAQQ
                             The Truth, The Real
             That is because Allah—He is the Truth, and what you call
             upon besides Him is falsehood. Allah is the All-High, the
             Most Great. (Surah Luqman, 31:30)

             As is the case with all living and non-living beings, space and
         time are also created concepts. In a moment when space and time
         were non-existent, the universe was suddenly created from non-ex-
         istence, and from within this universe emerged the concepts of
         space and time. Indeed, as we go back in time, we encounter a limit
         that we can never cross: the moment the universe was created.
         Modern science has determined this limit to be 10-43 seconds after
         the moment the universe was created. Before this, space and time
         could not be defined.
             At this point, we encounter a dimension in which space and
         time did not exist. As these two concepts that limit humanity were
         “created” at a certain time, spacelessness and timelessness existed
         before this “creation.” The One Who created these concepts is Allah,
         Who is utterly exalted above them and, consequently, Everlasting.
         This fact never changes, for only He has genuine existence. Outside
         His existence, everything is mortal and doomed to perish. As the
         Qur’an informs us, the only Truth is Him:
             High exalted be Allah, the King, the Real! Do not rush
             ahead with the Qur’an before its revelation to you is com-
             plete, and say: “My Lord, increase me in knowledge.”
             (Surah Ta Ha, 20:114)
             That is because Allah is the Real, gives life to the dead, and

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