Page 74 - Names of Allah
P. 74


                                   A AL- HAKIM
                                      The Judge
                 “Am I to desire someone other than Allah as a judge, when
                 it is He Who has sent down the Book to you clarifying every-
                 thing?” Those We have given the Book know it has been sent
                 down from your Lord with truth, so on no account be among
                 the doubters. (Surat al-An‘am, 6:114)

                 Allah created all people and placed them on Earth, a place of
            trial set up to distinguish the good people from the evil ones. He
            sent Messengers with books that would enable the people to distin-
            guish right from wrong. Throughout history, all Messengers warned
            their peoples and summoned them to the straight path. But over
            time, people distorted these books by replacing parts of the divine
            messages with personal judgments designed to protect their own in-
            terests. Despite this, Allah sent down an incorruptible Qur’an as a
            “guide” to them: “We have sent down the Reminder and will pre-
            serve it” (Surat al-Hijr, 15:9).
                 The Qur’an is the sole reference for arriving at the truth, for
            only It is unique and contains all of His commands. Those who em-
            brace this Book and strive to fulfill its commands have found the
            true path. Those who judge according to Allah’s commands and ful-
            fill His demands will be rewarded in the Hereafter.

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