Page 29 - The Transitional Form Dilemma
P. 29


                   Moreover, evolutionists hypothesize
              that this process will last for millions of years.
              Therefore, the number of such deformed
              transitional individuals will be much greater
              than the number of completed species, and
              such in-between fossils should be those most
              frequently encountered. According to evolu-
              tionists’ claims, every species we see today,
              and right down to the finest detail, every               5
              structure within those species, from eye sock-
              ets to ankles, from the tiny bones which con-      ONE OF THE
              stitute the fingers to the shape of the skull,  MILLIONS OF COM-
                                                             PLETE FOOT FORMS
              from the shape of the rib cage to the number
              of vertebra—all came about gradually as the         (picture: 5)
              result of random mutations. This means that
              every organ, limb, and component of the
              species was also formed in stages until the
              final form of that species emerged at last.



                                                       DEFECTIVE TRANSITIONAL
                                                    FORMS WHICH SHOULD EXIST
                                                 ACCORDING TO EVOLUTIONISTS,
                                                             BUT WHICH DO NOT
                1                                                   (Pictures: 1-4)
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