Page 24 - The Transitional Form Dilemma
P. 24


                    The record jumps, and all the evidence shows that the record is real: the gaps we
                    see reflect real events in life’s history—not the artifact of a poor fossil record. 8

                    As these evolutionist scientists state, the true history of life can be
               seen in the fossil record, but there are no transitional forms within that
                    Other scientists also admit the absence of transitional forms.
               Rudolf A. Raff, Director of the Indiana Molecular Biology Institute, and
               Thomas C. Kaufmann, Researcher at Indiana University, write:
                    The lack of ancestral or intermediate forms between fossil species is not a
                    bizarre peculiarity of early metazoan history. Gaps are general and prevalent
                    throughout the fossil record. 9
                    There are even preserved fossils of bacteria that lived billions of
               years ago. Nevertheless, it is striking that not a single fossil of any imag-
               inary transitional form has ever been found. Fossils exist of a great
               many species, from bacteria to ants and from birds to flower-bearing
               plants. Even fossils of extinct species have been preserved so well that
               we are able to appreciate the kinds of structures possessed by these
               once-abundant species, which we have never seen alive. The absence of
               even a single transitional form within such rich fossil sources demon-

               strates not the insufficiency of the fossil record, but the invalidity of the
               theory of evolution.

                Although a great many fos-
                sils of living things which
                existed billions of years ago,
                from bacteria to ants and
                from leaves to birds, are pre-
                sent in the fossil record, not
                a single fossil of an imagi-
                nary transitional form has
                ever been discovered.

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