Page 22 - The Transitional Form Dilemma
P. 22


                       forward was the insufficiency of the fossil record of his time.
                       He maintained that the missing transitional forms would in-
                       evitably appear once the fossil record was complete and was
                       examined in detail.
                            However, fossil research of the last 150 years has revealed
                       that the expectations of Darwin—and the evolutionists who
                       followed him—were actually empty ones. Not a single fossil of
                       any transitional form has ever been found. To date, there are
                       around 100 million fossils, preserved in thousands of museums
                       and collections. All of these are the remains of full-developed
                       species with their own unique features, separated from all
                       other species by definite, fixed characteristics. Fossils of half-
                       fish, half-amphibians; half-dinosaur, half-birds, and half-ape,
                       half-humans so confidently and definitely predicted by evolu-
                       tionists, have never been encountered.
                            Despite being an evolutionist, Steven. M. Stanley of John
                       Hopkins University admits as such:
                            The known fossil record is not, and never has been in accord with
                            gradualism. . . Few modern paleontologist seem to have recognized
                            that in the past century, as the biological historian William Coleman
                            has recently written, 'The majority of paleontologists felt their evi-
                            dence simply contradicted Darwin’s stress on minute, slow and cu-
                            mulative changes leading to species transformation.' In the next
                            chapter, I will describe not only what the fossils have to say, but why
                            their story has been suppressed. 7
                            Curators in the Department of
                       Anthropology of the American Museum of
                       Natural History in New York City, Ian
                       Tattersall and Niles Eldredge describe
                       how the fossil record contradicts the theory
                       of evolution:

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