Page 27 - The Transitional Form Dilemma
P. 27
The following chapters will be exam-
ining those still-living species that, evolutionists
claim, represent transitional links and demonstrat-
ing that these are not transitional links at all, but rather
unique, perfect and flawless living things possessed of all
the features of a distinct species. First, however, it will be
useful to consider what any such transitional links should be
like—according to the predictions of the theory of evolution.
Recall how, according to the theory, any transitional link
comes into being. External factors such as radiation and chemical
effects cause changes in the living thing’s DNA. The result is mu-
tations that lead to various physical, anatomical changes in that
living organism. According to the theory of evolution, when a
species is repeatedly subjected to mutations over the course of
many generations, it may transform itself into another species
altogether. Again—according to the theory—natural selection
selects the most useful of such mutations, combines them and
thus gradually creates an entirely new biological structure.
That is a brief summary of the theory of evolution’s claim
regarding the origin of species.
In reality, however, mutations occur at random and
generally have detrimental effects on the living organ-
ism in which they occur. When they are not actually
destructive, they have no beneficial effect at all.
Not a single situation in which mutations do
any good has yet been identified. For
that reason, it is impossible for